Saturday, October 10, 2009
Arakian otak saya berserabut sejak dari semalam, untung saya tak ikut berkempen di Bagan Pinang, namun saya masih berdoa agar perasuah kalah dalam pilihan raya tersebut. HIKMAH ada sedikit memeningkan kepala saya, namun banyak hal yang harus diteladani dalam usaha untuk memperkasakan dakwah dan diri, sabar dan latihan emosi amat penting supaya SQ dapat seimbang dengan EQ.
wah, rupanya dugaan ini begitu banyak macamnya. yang sabar saja akan dapat menang.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Indahnya Sarawak............Bumi Kenyalang
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,
Ikhwah & akhawat,
Due to the urgent need for aids for the possible surviving victims and the homeless of Padang earthquake, I would like to call upon those who wish to channel their contribution for fast direct delivery through Bapak Marfendi, a member of People’s House of Assembly (DPR) of West Sumatra and a humanitarian activist in Padang who is currently heavily burdened leading his team to speed up the rescue works.
All aids can be forwarded through directly him in his account at Bank Central Asia Padang number 032 1239594. He can be contacted at his handphone number +6281977528444 for further information.
For your information, this donation is meant for quick fund only and very much depending on trust. Those in doubt are not encouraged to join this effort. Other fund meant for rebuilding of Padang ’s infrastructure will be done through proper relief bodies later.
For other information, please contact me through this email or my alternative email or HP no. +60164221418.
Rahmat bin Abu Seman
Senior Executive ( Imam )
Mosque Administration Unit
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Tel : +6053688502 HP : +60164221418
Alternative email :